
Confidentiality Agreement

Encompass: Integrated Healthcare Consultants represents various doctors in matters concerning the sale of their dental practice.
In connection with the possible purchase by you,
of a dental practice represented by Encompass: Integrated Healthcare Consultants (Encompass) on behalf of the selling doctor, you will be provided access to certain proprietary information about the business; including financial condition, operation and prospects of the Practice. Information and records may include, but not be limited to, financial statements, patient lists, patient files, appointment schedules, employee list and salary histories, capital and operating leases of the Practice. The purpose for the release of any such proprietary information is to aid you in performing due diligence and analysis of the proposed transaction.
1) In consideration of obtaining such information, I hereby agree as follows:
a) I will not go inside the SELLER’s practice without prior consent and arrangement with Encompass. I will not contact the SELLER, the SELLER’s patients, SELLER’s employees or SELLER’s constituents.
b) All proprietary information furnished by Encompass (or from the Practice) to me will be confidential. “Proprietary Information” does not include any information, which is, or becomes, readily available to the public.
c) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, I will not disclose or reveal any proprietary information to anyone other than my legal council or financial consultant actively evaluating the information for any purpose other than in connection with the proposed purchase transaction.
d) If I decide not to pursue the proposed transaction, I will promptly advise Encompass of this fact and deliver to Encompass any and all proprietary information furnished to me.
e) Although Encompass and the Seller have included in the proprietary information certain information, which they consider to be relevant for the purpose of my investigation of the condition of the Practice, Encompass cannot make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of said information. Therefore, all information is subject to my verification.
f) Acquisition of proprietary information or trade secrets by me will be presumed confidential upon the release of any such material to me. Any unauthorized use of such information will be presumed to be an intentional act in bad faith violation of this Agreement.
2) In regards to patient lists and patient records, I acknowledge that patients’ records of the Practice have an expectation of privacy. The review of any such records is for the sole purpose of determining the type of work being performed and various other information that such patient charts reveal. In consideration of obtaining such information, I hereby agree as follows:
a) The information contained in the patient charts of the subject practice is considered confidential and proprietary information.
b) I acknowledge that the “number of active patients” is a relative term and it is solely my responsibility to determine the accuracy of any number that may be represented to me by the SELLER or Broker. I agree to hold harmless the Broker, SELLER or their agents concerning any litigation concerning this issue.
c) I agree that I will not use the information that I obtain to the detriment of the selling doctor or attempt in any way to approach a patient or patients with the intent to provide dental services.
d) I will not copy any of the records or remove said records from the premises.
e) I agree that all questions related to the patient files will be directed to the selling doctor only; I am not authorized to ask questions of staff or interrupt their normal work schedule.
3) Further, in consideration for Encompass: Integrated Healthcare Consultants providing me with information on the above described Practice, I understand, acknowledge, and agree as follows:
a) Information provided to me by Encompass and the Seller represents sensitive and confidential information and its disclosure to others could/would be damaging to the Practice and Encompass’ relationship with the Seller.
b) I agree not to disclose information to any other person who has not also signed and dated this agreement, except to secure the advice and recommendations of my advisors (accountants, attorneys, etc.) in which case I agree to obtain their oral consent to maintain such confidentiality. “INFORMATION” shall include the fact that the business is for sale.
c) I agree not to contact the Seller, his/her employees, landlord, lien holder, neighbors, constituents, or suppliers except through Encompass: Integrated Healthcare Consultants.
d) I agree that all correspondence, inquiries, offer to purchase and negotiations relating to the purchase of the Practice will be conducted exclusively through Encompass. Encompass will make arrangements for all meetings between the Seller and I. I understand that such face-to-face meetings are essential and are encouraged to obtain more detail concerning the subject business for my benefit and knowledge.
e) I understand that Encompass is an agent for me, and is also an agent for the Seller, and has a contract providing for a fee to be paid to Encompass by the Seller upon the sale, trade, lease, or exchange of the Seller’s Practice or property.
f) I further understand that Encompass: Integrated Healthcare Consultants is not an attorney-at-law and that all future forms and all future addenda thereto are prepared without the benefit of legal or tax counsel. They should be submitted to your own attorney for review and possible modification, and used upon the advice of your own legal and/or tax counsel
4) I agree not to circumvent or interfere with Encompass’ contract with the Seller in any way. I understand that if I interfere in any way with Encompass’ contract right to its fee from Seller, I may be personally liable for the payment of the fee paid to Encompass by Seller. I understand that if I make the purchase through Encompass, then I will not be liable for the fee to be paid by Seller to Encompass. The undersigned understands that disclosure of confidential information may result in damages for which he/she may be held liable.
Attorneys’ Fees: The parties agree that in the event of controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to such other relief as may be granted, a reasonable sum as and for attorneys’ fees which shall be determined by the Court in such litigation or in a separate action brought for that purpose.

I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance. By selecting the "I Accept" button, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. By selecting "I Accept" using any device, means or action, you consent to the legally binding terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document (hereafter referred to as your "E-Signature") is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You also agree that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate your E-Signature, and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your E-Signature or any resulting agreement between you and Encompass: Integrated Healthcare Consultants. You are also confirming that you are the person authorized to enter into this Agreement.